
Thank you Lord, for Your Precious Cross

我在兩年前的暑假參加了由長洲思維靜院舉辦的8天退修之旅。其中一天的默想是關於耶穌被釘十字架的兩段經文。我當時深被神的奉獻感動,也發現自己原來一直只是很膚淺地明白耶穌為我受死、被釘於十字架這個事實,而非 真正心理明白和感受到那到底是怎麼一回事。簡單點來講,我和耶穌當時身邊的門徒和其它人一樣無知。那一次的默觀給了我一個嶄新和深刻的體會。

GOD’S OWN SACRIFICE (Isaiah 53; Luke 22-23)
 August, 2009

At the last supper, in the room upper,
Jesus gave his body as bread of life,
Poured out his blood for the tablets of flesh,
Perfecting the tablets of stone.

Did the apostles know the parable when they were arguing which of them was considered to be the greatest?
Did the high priest’s servant know why they laid their hands on Jesus who touched and healed his ears?
Did the fisherman know he would deny his Lord three times when he said he was willing to die with him?
Did he understand when Jesus turned and looked straight at him? When he went outside and wept bitterly?

Did the passerby know why he had to carry the cross for Jesus?
Did the mourners know that grief would turn into victorious joy?
Did the soldiers know why Jesus did not save himself?
Did the crowd know why Messiah was crucified in silence?
Did the robber know Jesus was the Lamb of God? Was the King?

The compassionate heart that had prayed for many,
Was praying in sorrow and anguish in Gethsemane.
But he submitted to the Father’s will on his knees.

As he rose from prayer, he laid down his life, offered it on the cross on his own accord. 
As he rose again from the empty tomb, the most awesome work of God was done.

The greatest offering was made in silence,
As he suffered the pain in violence,
Praying for Father’s pardon
For what they had done
But they did not know.

God prepared His own sacrifice,
Only He was able to make,
Jesus was wiling to take,
A contrite heart may taste,
The silence’s weight.

When Christ was alone on his way,           
People had gone astray,
God seemed to have hidden His face.
He took up our infirmities,
Was afflicted for our iniquities,
Because they didn’t hear nor see.

He drank his cup of joy and sorrow to its fullest,
When the sweat fell to the ground like drops of blood,
When He revealed the nail marks in His hands.

Do you know what you have done?
Do you understand the price of Son?
Do you have the robber’s wisdom?
Do you appreciate love’s ransom?

