
忙里相聚, 隨時隨地


我很喜歡煮東西吃,也喜歡邀請朋友來家裡吃飯。其實每一次我做出新的嘗試、或是有朋友到訪,我都要忙上老半天甚至是一整天。雖然我在大部分的時候都是十分享受整個過程的,但有時候也難免會覺得忙亂。 尤其是頭幾次宴客的時候,由於經驗不足,不能有效地安排時間、爐面、爐具的運用,導致食物搶鍋子的情形出現。場面一片混亂,心情也有一些繁。
通常在這個時候,老公都會自動出現在廚房,有時候幫我洗鍋子、切東西; 又有時候幫我翻兩下鍋子;甚至只是簡單的陪在我身邊,都能使我的心安定下來。最重要的,他使我覺得整個煮飯仔的過程更充滿樂趣。
在繁忙的生活里,上帝也是隨時隨地地在我們身邊, 使我們經歷祂的同在。因此, 我不需要在煮完飯、忙完一整天以後才能夠和祂相遇。也不需要把我的時間留在每天的最後、或是每天的最早。

好書推介-Dibs in Search of Self (1)


This is a true story of a 5-year old boy called Dibs.
He has an IQ score of 168, and a reading score well beyond children of his age but he is regarded by his parents as autistic, mentally retarded or schizophrenic.  
He does not play or talk.  Nor smile or laugh.  To most people, he is a soul-less body.
He yearns for the love and respect of him as a human being and a child and yet he is most emotionally rejected and hurt by the origin of his life.
He imprisons himself in the barricade of anger and fear and yet he longs for the freedom to be just himself as a child and fly.
It’s a true story of this little boy, Dibs, who struggles to establish the security of his own world with an inner sense firmness when he is given all the respect and trust he deserves as a human being in the therapy room, without criticisms and conditional positive regards. 
May be Dibs is of no familiarity to you, nor are his parents.  But we were all once children. We all longed for love and respect and we still do.

We may have children now. We may also have children in the future.
Then, Dibs in Search of Self may offer you a precious journey back into your childhood in search of yourself and offers you insights of the meaning of parenthood and mental development of your own child.
You may also get a glimpse of what humanistic child discipline is all about and what Jesus meant by“unforced rhythm of grace”.




有一個朋友,在她生命中最困難的時候,看見病房窗外的一顆小樹。一陣強風吹來,小樹隨風左搖右擺。 它既沒有奮力抵抗,也沒有被壓倒,卻以一顆溫柔的心來面對強風,進退恰宜。